The manga ends in August 2024, with the final volume released on Monday – Akita Shoten published the manga's eighth and final volume Kyochū Sanmyaku (Mountain of Giant Insects) do Yasutaka Fujimi and Yōsuke Sazanami composed last Monday. The series ended in the web magazine Dokodemo Young Champion in the August 2024, September 2024 issue.
Kyochū Sanmyaku is a spin-off of the original manga The Island of Giant Insects (Kyochū Rettō) by Fujimi and Shu Hirose.
The story opens with a mysterious tunnel, rumored to be the place where many people have disappeared without a trace. The group of friends of the main character Takeshi, while filming videos for his channel, were faced with giant and dangerous insects. In the middle of a situation that hung by a thread, Takeshi was saved by Inaho Enokian entomologist and important character in the main manga, as well as Fujimi's previous works such as Saikachi – Manatsu no Konchū Kakutōki and Vector Case File – Inaho no Konchūki.
The Kyochū Sanmyaku manga was launched by Fujimi and Sazanami on Dokodemo Young Champion in November 2019.
The manga The Island of Giant Insects was written by Fujimi in collaboration with a group of artists RED ICE debuted on Akita Shoten's Champion Cross website in 2014. The manga was later transferred to the publisher's Manga Cross site. By 2018, Shu Hirose took over the illustration due to the RED ICE team's poor health. The original manga ended in March 2019, but a sequel titled Dai Kyochū Rettō (Die! The Island of Giant Insects) was released shortly after in April 2019 and moved to Champion Cross in May 2024.
An OVA version of The Island of Giant Insects was released on DVD with the manga's sixth volume in June 2019. The anime was screened internationally on Crunchyroll at Crunchyroll Expo 2019. A theatrical film version was released. launched in Japan in January 2020. Although the first Kickstarter campaign to fund the English dub was unsuccessful, a second campaign in July 2020 was achieved target in August of the same year.
With the end of Kyochū Sanmyaku, fans can look back on Fujimi's nearly decade-long journey with her dramatic, thrilling, and unique manga series.