The One Piece manga series has finally begun the highly anticipated Elbaf Arc. Luffy and his crew are ready to begin their new journey in the kingdom of Giants. The island is separate from the rest of the world and is not affiliated with the World Government.
Ever since their encounter with Dory and Brogy in the Little Garden arc, Luffy and Usopp have dreamed of visiting this island. They admire the honor of giant warriors and can't wait to meet more brave people like Dory and Brogy.
It took over twenty years for the story to get there, but we've finally arrived at this legendary kingdom. Unlike other kingdoms, the Straw Hats were warmly welcomed by the giants, and they even held parties for their little friends.
Arriving at the new island, Luffy and the others also explored the villages and saw a giant Owl Library. One Piece chapter 1135 explained how this library works and the power of the devil fruit behind it. So far, this is the second new devil fruit in the Elbaf arc. However, nothing is known about the first fruit, which Loki ate after murdering his father, the Herald King.
One Piece chapter 1135 introduces the Iku Iku no Mi fruit
After a warm reunion with Robin, Saul leads the Straw Hats on a tour around the village. They arrived at the Owl Library, a massive building in Elbaf perched on a tree branch suspended over the Warriro stream. It contains all the books that Saul obtained after the tragic Ohara incident.
Biblo, a giant owl and head librarian who ate a Paramecia-type devil fruit, the Iku Iku no Mi. It allows Biblo to possess the ability to nurture and enlarge any object, even inorganic. The owl grew to the size of any normal book and brought it into the library so the giants could read them. This devil fruit's ability is not suitable for fighting, but it helps the giants gather information about other islands.
Elbaf is the only place where Giants live, while the rest of the islands are inhabited by people much smaller than them. Biblo has existed for many centuries, but its age is not known. Since Elbaf is not affiliated with the World Government, they have no messengers to deliver newspapers. However, Saul explains that thanks to Biblo's abilities, they can read the small newspapers that fishermen receive while at sea.
The average adult giant is about 20 meters tall, which means a lot of things on inhabited islands are inaccessible to them. After the tragic incident at Ohara, Saul and the giants who accompanied him ensured that Ohara's legacy would not disappear due to the World Government. Saul also continues reading in Ohara to learn more about the Void Century. All his efforts in getting the books back would have been for nothing without Biblo and its useful powers.