When a new Dragon Ball anime series was announced that would star creator Akira Toriyama, fans were excited. However, this excitement was somewhat quelled when Toei Animation revealed a story featuring the Z Fighters being transformed into tiny versions of themselves.
With some fans considering this story a “copycat” of Dragon Ball GT and others wondering if the premise is too “childish” for the Z Fighters, Daima has turned the tables when the movie comes out. One of the big reasons is the logical and interesting plot changes that Daima made.
Perhaps the biggest changes mentioned in Daima for the shonen series are the information about the Namekians. The first episodes confirmed that although this green-skinned race may be living on another planet, Piccolo and his race are actually from the Demon Realm.
The Namekians left the Great Demon World because they “did not like to be ruled”. Because the Demon Realm is a place dominated by many evil forces, it is understandable that the Namekians would find a way to leave there to find a new home.
In the past, King Piccolo – a Namekian had a period of terrorizing the Earth in the first Dragon Ball series. He was the first “true villain” Toriyama Akira ever drew, and now we know that he is of demonic origin. King Piccolo created an army of his sons with monster-like shapes to turn the peaceful planet into hell on earth, helping him achieve his original goal of collecting the dragon balls to return to youth.
Later, the Supreme Kai – the guardians of the universe – were revealed to also come from the Demon Realm. They belong to the race called Glind, and Kai's real name is Nahare. These additional character origins not only change the universe but also add new layers to characters we've known for quite some time.
One of the recent reveals that continues to impress fans is when Vegeta showed off that he had achieved Super Saiyan 3. For decades, fans have been waiting to see if the Saiyan Prince would ever reach Super Saiyan 3. achieve this transformation or not and it seems like a pipe dream.
While there's some controversy as to why Vegeta never used this form when fighting Beerus in the early days of Dragon Ball Super, it's a minor quibble at a moment that fans the grave was very much wanted to see. Since Super Saiyan 3 is overshadowed by Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, and Ultra Instinct, it makes sense that Vegeta wouldn't unleash this form during events like the Tournament of Power.
Daima also opens up the Dragon Ball universe in ways many didn't foresee, potentially planting the seeds for even more adventures in Super's future.